Trouble Logging In

A number of things can interfere with your ability to log in to your account. There may be a problem with your login credentials, account status, or you may need to check your browser settings and network connection.

In this article, you'll learn about what kinds of issues can prevent you from logging in and how to address them.

Account Status

To log in, your account must be active. If you think there may be an issue with your account status, contact your website administrator.

Login Credentials

When trying to log in, red text messages will appear to let you know if something is wrong. For many people, it's a matter of a misspelled password. Sometimes, they just won't go away. Here are some things you can try.
  • Reset your password.
    If you simply forgot your password, use the Forgot Password? link on the login page.
  • Check your formatting.
    Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive and spacing matters. Be sure to double- or triple-check your capitalization and that there are no extra spaces before or after the text.
  • Turn off any auto-filling password apps.
    We've ran into a number of problems with 3rd-party password apps not playing nice with certain browsers. This can cause problems when autofilling your password and you may get validation errors. Simply type your password with your keyboard without autofilling.

Browser and System Settings

Because Mailchimp is a web-based application, browser and system settings may prevent you from logging in to your account. How to change these settings will vary from browser to browser. Try these help sites for more information: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxMicrosoft Internet ExplorerSafariMicrosoft Windows Edge.

If you suspect there may be issues with your browser or system settings, here are some possible solutions.

  • Log in through a different browser or private browsing window. 
    If you're able to log in successfully in a different browser or private browsing window, clear your cache and cookies in the original browser and try to log in again.
  • Use the most recent version of a compatible browser. 
    We can't promise full support for beta or developer versions of your preferred browser. Always keep your browser up-to-date.
  • Make sure JavaScript is enabled. 
    Connect uses JavaScript for many features in the application, so make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser. Each browser manages JavaScript settings differently. Search your browser's help site to find out how to enable JavaScript.
  • Make sure cookies are enabled. 
    Connect uses session cookies to help our website remember changes you make as you move from page to page. Each browser manages cookies settings differently. Search your browser's help site to find out how to enable and clear cookies.
  • Remove browser add-ons or plugins. 
    Add-ons and plugins can block cookies from being stored in your browser and may prevent you from successfully logging in. Search your browser's help site to find out how to remove add-ons and plugins.
  • Check your clock and time zone settings. 
    If you get a system clock error message, check and adjust your system clock and time zone on your computer, or set it to automatically synchronize using NTP.