Reset Your Password

There may be times when resetting your password makes sense. Thankfully, it's simple as clicking a link in an email. Let's get started.

Getting Started

Let's make sure you're on the login page of your site. 

  1. From the homepage of your site, click Log In. If your site doesn't have the option to login, just add the words "login" after your site's URL (
  2. Select Forgot Password. You can also manually build the link to the forgot password page (

Request Emailed Instructions

In order to reset your password, we have to make sure it's really you and not someone who just knows your email address. Your password will not be changed until you complete all of these steps.

  1. Enter the Email Address you used to create your account.
  2. Click Reset Password.

Creating the Password

Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Aliquam lobortis.

  1. Enter your Email Address to verify again.
  2. Choose a New Password and confirm it in the following field.
  3. Click Reset My Password. After it has changed, you'll see a confirmation message.
  4. You're all done and you may proceed log in with your newly created password.