User Group Overview

In this platform, "Groups" is a tool for organizing and identifying collections of people. The purpose of a Group in this context isn't social (you wouldn't create a Group for a special-interest club). The purpose is related to user permissions and functions within the website. 

Hang with us for a few minutes if you're starting to glaze over.

Here is a breakdown of how Groups work.

A user with the "Resident" designation will automatically be a member of their community Group. For example, Solivita Resident Jane Doe is a member of the Solivita Group. If she submits a work order through the website, it will go to the Solivita online work order bulletin board. 

A vendor--i.e. a landscaper--who services Solivita (and is a member of the website) will be part of the Solivita Group. He or she will be able to see Jane Doe's work order, as well as other work orders, posted by residents of Solivita.

Say the vendor provides service for two communities. He or she will be a member of both of those community Groups in order to have access to all work orders.

Another user who will belong to more than one Group will be a property manager. A property manager who has several communities in his or her portfolio will be a member of all of those community groups. For example, Solivita, Bellalago, and Terralargo. The property manager can see all work orders and other important pieces of information specific to those communities.