Setting A Default User Role

What is a Default User Role?

When new users set up an account on the website, they're assigned a role. The role has to do with their level of permissions in using the website. Usually, a default role is set for the role that most users will be assigned (for example, a Resident role in a community website). It's also generally the role that has the lowest level of permissions.

That being said, any role can be set as the default, and it's easy to set. (Remember that not all users will have the permissions to set the default and won't see the screens below.)

Getting Started 

  1. First, make sure you're in the Users app. On the dashboard, from the App selection drop-down menu, click on Users app

  2. In the left sidebar on the Users page, click on the gear icon to get to the Settings panel. 

Getting to the Role Pages

  1. Clicking on the gear icon (step 2 above) will bring up the Settings panel. Click on Role & Permission Settings

  2. The next screen displays what roles are set up for your website. (The list on your screen may look different than the one below.) 

Set the Default Role

  1. In the screen above, decide which role you want to set as the default role and click on that role.
  2. In the Edit Role screen that opens, click the box that says Set as Default Role. Then click DONE

  3. When you've clicked DONE, you'll be taken back to the list of roles. The default role will be marked with a star. (Again, your screen might have a different list than the one below.)