Enable or Disable a Registration Code

Sometimes you want to require website users who are registering a new account to input a code in order to complete the registration process. This is easy to set up. It's also easy to turn off the registration code requirement.

You can set the code requirement--or unset it--in a few simple steps. (Remember that some site users don't have the permissions to change the validation code settings, and, in fact, won't even see some of the screens that lead to the settings panels).  

Administrators, however, can change the registration code requirement settings easily. 

Getting Started

1. On the dashboard, from the App selection drop-down menu, click on Users app.

2. In the left sidebar on the Users page, click on the gear icon.

3. In the next panel, click on General Settings

Requiring and Setting the Registration Code

1. Beside "Require Registration Code," set the toggle to on.

2. In the space provided beside "Registration Code," enter a code (up to 64 characters long).

3. Click SAVE & CLOSE, and you're done.