Change a User's Password

From time to time, you'll need to reset a user's password for a multitude of reasons. If you have the correct permissions, you'll have access to the User's app. Let's get going.

Select an app

Let's make sure we're on the Users app. 

  1. From the left sidebar, select the app dropdown.
  2. Choose Users

Choose the User

Once you land on the User's page, it shows the first 20 or so entries in alphabetical order. We'll go ahead and utilize the search to find who we're looking for.

  1. In the upper app bar, click or touch the Search Icon.
  2. Type in at least 3 letters or numbers of the User's name, email or id and hit Enter on your keyboard.
  3. After your search results are listed, select the user whose password you want to change.

Change Password

In the single user detail panel, a variety of options exist for the admin of your site's users. In this step, we're only interested in resetting a password of an existing user.

  1. In the window that opens, click on Change Password in the bottom right.
  2. The next window provides the fields in which to set a new password. You can set your own password by filling out the fields or randomly generate a password by clicking the Key Icon.
  3. When finished, complete the password change by clicking Change Password.