What are Pages, Posts and Blogs?

It's easy to be confused by the difference between pages, posts, and blogs. We'll try to de-mystify that for you here. You may be dealing with all of them!

Pages, posts, and blogs are all types of content.


  • Web pages are areas of content that are static. That means, their content doesn't change much (if ever).
  • On most websites, you can see the list of pages across the top of the homepage. On some websites, if you scroll over that list, you'll get drop-down menus that show internal subpages. (For example, a "Services" page may contain a drop-down that shows types of services.)

  • Pages are not social--meaning, you can't comment on them
  • Typical pages are titled Home, Services, About, Contact, Gallery/Photos, and Resources.
  • The page that may change the most is the Home page--if it's used to highlight upcoming events or news items, etc., as in the home page shown below.


  • Posts are a type of content that typically changes or updates regularly or occasionally. Think of posts as online articles or journal entries. 
  • They can be social (some have places for reader comments at the end). 
  • They're usually dated with the most recent one showing first in a list on the side of the page.


  • Blogs are a type of post. Calling a post a "blog" usually indicates that content will be added regularly--daily, weekly, or every few weeks. 
  • The content is in the form of an article or journal-style entry, usually with an image, as in the screenshot above
  • Sometimes the word "blog" and the word "post" are used interchangeably and mean the same thing. 
  • Some websites make it a priority to post a new blog article regularly as a strategy for boosting their site authority in Google. Google pays attention to site activity. A site that actively adds original content has Google crawlers say, "Hey, this one is alive. We're going to give it an authority boost and more visitors will be able to find it."  If you just glazed over as you read this point, don't worry. Basically, adding new content regularly is one strategy for getting more visitors to your site.
  • If your site doesn't have a BLOG tab at the top, you will simply be adding posts to your site. They won't be considered blogs.