Overview of Application Settings

What are Apps?

Different features or functional areas of a website are called apps (applications). These features may vary from one website to another. 

On your website, you might see some or all of these apps: 

  • Announcements 
  • Classifieds 
  • Clubs 
  • Events 
  • Knowledge Base
  • Users 
  • Work Orders 
  • Settings 
  • Website

In the upper lefthand corner of your dashboard, you will find the App drop-down menu. (Yours may look different from the one below.)

Who Can Access Apps?

Any given user of the website can access some or all of the website's apps. The number of apps a user can access is determined by his or her level of permissions
  • A top-level user (i.e. an Administrator) can access all apps and change all app settings. 
  • A user with restricted permissions (i.e. a Resident) will see fewer apps and generally not be able to change app settings.

Application Settings

Different users are allowed to view or do different things in certain apps. In the case of the Work Order app, for example: 

  • A Resident can see only the work order he or she has submitted. 
  • A Technician can see only those work orders that have been assigned to him or her. 
  • An Account Manager can see all work orders that are associated with his or her account. 

When work orders have been completed, only certain users can mark them "Complete" or move them to an archived location.

The above is an example of how application permissions work. 

Sometimes application permissions settings need to be edited (who is allowed to do what). Usually, only Administrators may edit these permissions.